Thursday, 3 April 2014

Question 4 - Who would be the audience for your media product?

The ideal user for my media product (music magazine) is someone that is of the ages of 13-18 that enjoys mainstream pop music artists, as pop music is a popular genre of music that people enjoy listening too. My target audience are females that enjoy learning things about old artists and also upcoming pop music artists. The type of person i imagine to be reading and purchasing my music magazine are teenagers and young adults that are individual in the way that they are and confident with being themselves (as this is the kind of message that I want to portray to my audience that they don’t have to pretend to be something that they aren't for them to be liked by the public eye), the message is then shown through all of the images in the magazine where the model is a strong independent female who is making it in the music industry.

My audience is aimed at females due to the fonts that were used being very bold and clear as well as the colour scheme and house style being more suitable to the stereotypical girl of being pinks, white and black. I expect my audience to be in education or working with a part time job, as they are then able to be able to purchase the magazine using their own money rather than their parents however they also are able to buy the magazine as a reward for working hard in education and being able to push themselves mentally and physically to be the best that they can be in their work, this then gives them the skills to be confident with themselves and appreciate all the work that they manage to do for themselves. I want them to be someone that isn't afraid to be themselves so they are able to wear things that make them individual and unique (as I don’t want my readers to all be the same person I want them to be able to live their lives happy without following a crowd).  The females reading my magazine would be likely to have all different types of hair colour as my magazine is suitable for people of all ethnicity and races, who have a girly fashion sense (of flowers and patterned jumpers) as well as being someone that keeps up to date with the latest fashion trends so that they are able to feel more accepted in a community even though my magazine aims to stop this mind set of fitting in. My audience will shop in all different types of shops and look for the best deals when they are trying to purchase something new for example if looking for branded shoes (such as converse or vans) they will look around for the best deal before making a choice on the things that they want to buy. They will still be living with their parents /guardians so will be in a range of housing from houses to flats all over the UK and will value the happiness that they have in their lives more than anything else, as happiness and their family means everything to them (I want my audience to value the little things in life).  The music that they listen to will be from a range of different genres however they will enjoy listening to the pop genre and being able to let themselves go when they listen to this type of music as well as being able to relax when it is played, they will be someone that buys albums and buys there music from online stores such as the app store and play store etc, making sure that the people that create the music are the people getting the correct profit for their music (not illegally download music). Along with this they will then be someone that owns a smart phone so that they are able to keep dated with all of the Social Medias such as twitter and Facebook as well as being able to use internet and WiFi. Even though they own smart phones I don’t expect them to be high in the JICNAR scale and be in the social class of E with their parents/carers/guardians being in the social group of B to C2.  

 I then don’t expect the audience to be someone that drives as most of the audience aren't old enough to drive and the people that are old enough will be people that just need a cheap car to be able to get to work and back, but they are people that want to drive girly sorts of cars such as Mini’s etc. They will socialise at youth clubs and at school as well as being able to maintain close relationships with people that they have similar interests with (this will then help the sales of my magazine as the more people that are friends with one another they are then able to spread positive feedback about my magazine for example how it was constructed and company brand).

When asking people there own personal opinions on my products they were able to give me honest feedback on what they thought, everyone was able to give me positive feedback on the media products that I had created whereas they were also able to gave me small improvements on the things that they would like to see on the rest of the magazine. I was able to target the correct audience for my products and the feedback that I got was very helpful in helping me think about the things that I had done well and the things that I could of done better. The good things that I had done were being able to stick to a good colour scheme for my products and audience as well as being able to make the things in my products structured and make sense. 

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