Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Photo Shoot Planning

For my music magazine I need to organize a photo shoot so that I am able to get a collection of different photos that I will be able to use for the front cover of my music magazine. All magazines have some sort of image on the front cover to show the audience what kind of magazine that it is, in my case the image on the front cover will show the audience the genre of my music magazine and it will also to show that what types of information and artists are inside the magazine itself. The image helps readers see which issue of the magazine it is, as the image on the front is never the same more than two issues at one time. A front cover is used in the visual syntax of a magazine, you start from the masthead of the magazine which is normally on the left hand side, as we read from left to right, then you look at the image which gives the audience the main image of what type of things are included in the magazine for example if the person on the front cover is a ‘boy band’ that are mostly listened to by teenage girls, then the audience would assume that the magazine was a girls magazine that includes interviews with all the latest boys and men that are being listened to at that moment. The majority of music magazines have an image of one single person rather than a large group of people, as when there is only one or two people on the front cover you as the photographer are able to get more detailed and closer up images, whereas if you are taking a picture of a larger group of people in would be very unorganized and messy, this could make the magazine look unplanned. 

For my photos i am going to take photos of single  people but also people that are in groups to give my magazine a variation of different styles and images that i can fit onto my music magazine. All of the photos that i am going to take are going to be face on photos which will be mid shot and close up or ones that are slightly to the side. These are the photos that are mostly used on the front of magazine covers. The person in the photos shall be looking slightly at the camera but also try showing a variation of different emotions through the camera and person eye contact. I will be using a female model to use in my photos which she will be using a range of props such as a CD and headphones which will be used to show the audience more information on what the magazine is about. My photos are going to be taken inside as then i am able to keep a background without having to worry about the weather changing and affecting the way that the light hits the model  whereas if the photos are taken in both the sun and the colder weather then there might be problems getting the correct  affects. A good quality camera will be used as this then allows me to get good quality shots, as well as this the lighting will be bright to enhance the models face.
The shots that i take are going to be mid-shots, close-ups and occasionally long shots. I’m going to take a range of different photos as this will mean i have a large selection of photos that i am able to choose from. They will all be face on photos as then the audience is able to understand some deeper feelings from the model which will be portrayed to the camera.  The model will be someone that is a teenager or young adult as these are the kinds of people that are trying to create a career and are most mature when it comes to the music industry.  My models are going to be mostly female as they are the kinds of people that are more likely to be interested in joining the music industry and finding out more information on music and creating a living by performing. They will be students or people that are just at the start or middle class  as these are the people that are more likely to be down to earth because they aren't going to be worrying about money and making a living. They will be wearing dim colourered outfits that are colours ranging from black, white and greys but then i will also take some photos where the costumes are in colour because then i am able to show the fun and colourful attitudes of the people on my front covers.

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